Space Technology on The Earth. Water Management.

As we know space is quite a hostile environment. Very cold, no air, no pressure, no gravitation and without natural resources yet people managed to colonize the low orbit of the Earth. To lift one kg to space costs about 2700$/kg or less for the cheapest cargo carriers as Falcon 9 of SpaceX [1] . It is very expensive if we compare how much it costs to send one kg on an airplane which is above 4$/kg [2] . The price and unfriendly ambient, placed people in the corner to find the solution of water management in space. People were pushed to reconsider what is water and how to use it when the only water source is on the Earth. The previous knowledge of personal hygiene and disposal of urine had endured rigorous scientific researches and tests to ensure the basic needs of water in space. The water system in space is nearly perfekt in terms of sustainability. Personal hygiene is performed with less water than ever before yet without compromising the health of astronauts. The ...