Coronavirus part 1. Who is to blame on?

Chinese dictatorship concealed outbreak

I never seriously thought to mention or to make a valid conclusion in such an abruptly and still in unfolding stage of corona virus but corona here, corona there, corona everywhere, people panic, public institution are locked down borders are being closed and it seems that is time to acquit from most of the charges corona was blamed to. Following the events of corona virus outbreak gave an unprecedented traceable drama story of a global scenery, with a transparent and raw data in hand, separated from false assumption and conspiracy theories, it is possible to trace and locate not only the source of the virus but also what initial prerequisite were necessary for the virus to start a terror like journey in the people's untrained and fearful mind. The source place was quite fast spotted to be Wuhan in China, though it was numerous time denied and annihilated by the authorities to present respiratory diseases of not big importance and of a controllable type without any risk to spread from human to human.

The case of the whistleblower ophthalmologist Li Wenliang who was silenced several times in an attempt to warn his colleagues, to wear protecting clothes in order to avoid infection, was called to the Public Security Bureau where he was told to acknowledge a letter. In the letter he was accused of "making false comments'' that had "severely disturbed the social order"[1] One could justifiably charge, Chinese authoritarian regime, in conducting unabashed censorship which protectively and systematically restricted for several months to share information with World Health Organization (WHO) but also fidgety rein and intervene in fluent operation of health care to combat supposedly outbreaks, and indeed comunist party have an embarrassing and unforgivable guilt of the following events of coronavirus but such scenario wouldn't discover again disingenuous dictatorial rule of the Chinese government if not the ordinary Chinese people and their bleeding culture it self.

Wet markets

At first glance Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market it is not a obvious spotlight for a virus eruption and could easily be equaled to school, workplace, supermarket or various of other public places where a contagious disease could initiate, yet in comparison with others markets around the world Huanan Seafood Market is a wet market which mean, selling live animals that often were killed on the spot, skinned and slaughtered in front of the customer[2]. The aspect of having live animals in the market and killing them on the spot is an important and crucial factor to define a clear argument regarding explanation of the chain reaction which had spread coronavirus but without detecting the real component of such arrangement will leave the door wide open for an inevitable new disease outbreak. The next last in the chain of finding where COVID-19 has emerged is essential to take into account illegal wild animal trafficking at those wet markets, for today is undoubtedly confirmed and documented that many recent virus outbreaks originate from wild animals. For instance, fruit bats are reservoir for Ebola virus[3][4], SARS from several sources point again to wild animal origin that occurred most likely also in the wet market of Foshan, China[5]  and famous coronavirus, as most of the people know, came also from a overcrowded wet market where captured untamed animals were kept and sold as food. Scarcity of the operating area and packed stalls in wet markets in China in combination with poor hygiene and direct contact with virus bearing feral creatures provide nearly perfect conditions for breeding of SARS, COVID-19 or avian flu. 

Illegal wild animal trafficking

To build a complete representation of the coronavirus puzzle would require to go to the bottom of the issue, taking a few steps back, to grasp the entire complexity of the big picture, one could resolutely affirm that coronavirus only occurred in presence of Chinese people's exotic taste for meat. Wild bats, australian koalas and wolf cubs to bambu rats, badgers, snakes or critically endangered pangolins, which could potentially bear dangerous viruses, are hunted, slaughtered, prepared and eaten. Persistent outdated cultural beliefs and extravagant food norms is the enemy number one for China and the rest of the world and best friend for corona and other deadly viruses originated from China. Many times Chinese people go against logical consensus of treating meet food with high temperature in order to avoid hazardous microorganisms and could even impatiently go to extreme for consuming animals alive such as baby mice, shrimps, fish, snake or duck embryos[6] which by definition some are a lush environment for harmful bacteria, parasite worms or viruses.

Chinese culture and traditional beliefs

From blaming the Chinese governmental cover up delay, dead smelling flesh at wet markets to illegal wild animals trafficking were the opaque veil to shield the true initiator of unremitting coronavirus, namely archaic cultural norms and superstitious beliefs. Cultural bizarre and uncommon taste for meat and people blindfolded by incorrect and loose traditional Chinese medicine has already exposed many arts to extinction both on land and water, for instance rhinoceros horns that are praised in China for its aphrodisiac effects has driven many unmoral poachers to kill the animals only for the horns which has no scientific evidence to support any sexual benefits because it mainly consist of keratin, the protein that makes up hair and nails[7] better those impotent and desperate men to use Sildenafil or commonly known as Viagra which give a experimented and recorded guarantee in 70 to 80% of cases. As rhino horns various wild animals in Huanan Seafood Market were used for treatment of different diseases based on mysticism and cult-like pseudo science. I'm not a fan of Chinese dictatorship though sometimes I'm agree on their logical and fact based decisions which had banned as a consequence to sell, to buy or to eat wild animals across the country[8] though is yet to see what kind of animals are counted as wild. Once done with elimination of trading with capable wild animals to spread the viruses, Chinese pragmatic authority turned a persistent focus to eradicate, the factor zero, Chinese old-fashioned culture norms and values. 

Removing factor zero

Chinese food manufactures and companies, including some that are backed by the government, strongly fill the inquiries for meat alternative producers, amid coronavirus epidemic authoritative regime try desperately to minimize the risks for future outbreaks by mitigating China’s reliance on meat from confined animals. US-based Just, a company that provides vegan plant-based eggs from mung beans, has repeatedly increased discussion for partnership with many big and influential actors in the food industry in China, reporting South China Morning Post[9]. Indeed changing cultural food base and upgrading social norms will undoubtedly eliminate the circumstances for  the most of malicious infections related to meat production, distribution or consumption as in exempel of swine flu, avian flu, SARS, COVID-19, salmonella or plenty of other zoonotic illnesses.

Conscious psychological pandemic disorder (CPPD)

Everyday, either it is burning hot, freezing cold or fantastically happy or equally dreadful, people inevitably will die today and will continue to die in gigantic numbers tomorrow but typically average humans don't bother in excruciating convulsions and spreading panic on the streets just to accept the evident and maybe obviating mortality rate due to various reason around the world.

However it appears that with the coronavirus famous hype and its miserable low death numbers it start to propagate through the startled brains of governmental officials and regular citizens to create a terrifying insinuation of a detrimental and deadliest disease ever existed on planet earth. It is understandable yet unacceptable that common public people don't persist crucial facts and numbers to decide how to act and how to purcede and handle corona outbreak, and not enough that fear and ignorance have shut down normal consensus of the humans but also guided by rumors or exaggerated reaction have fueled instantly conspiracy theories to break through. From the USA military secret project with a strategic aim to exterminate Chinese people to global governmental collusion to eliminate all the seniors together with people close to enter retirement age in order to conjure in govern's favor with pension funds.

Such manner was nearly obvious conclusion from the public mass in response of media outlets that reached the apogee of ejecting horrifying and alarming news every day at least during 2-3 months but to witness almost analog panicking behavior from official agencies with indisputable and brute statistics over the situation is less comforting that allowed to infiltrate, trepidation and hopelessness. By lodging maniacal measures as closing schools, airports main public institution and implementing quarantine zones with enforced and controlled by military patrols or sealing the borders to such extent that brought a country to a lockdown with an artificial panic and frighten effect as result. In reality the direct threat from coronavirus is utterly unpretentious with some 8 thousand deaths during about 3 months in comparison with big players like HIV, Influenza or Tuberculosis that killed people by hundred thousands in a single month[10]. Over reaction and lack of methodical experience in new virus spikes, particularly among world's governmental institution, had created a contagious mental turmoil, so obvious for plenty of cunning outsiders that it could be called as a Conscious Psychological Pandemic disorder rather than a rational physical endemic operation approach to restrict expansion of the virus. Despite the artful designation of the measures taken for combating coronavirus, actual resembling behavior was observed during swine flu in 2009, where excessive arrangements, in form of alarming or overblown news and conducting precautions measures to spread the pandemic deadly virus, was merely to restrain a common seasonal influenza[11]. So why no massive worldwide actions are taken to restrain Tuberculosis, HIV or Influenza in the same way humans intervened for coronavirus? Specially when other contagious diseases discharge a greater negative impact on society and the global world than COVID-19, why need to give for coronavirus that extra amount of attention it has received? As an old and repeatedly boring story in the time when the internet didn't exist and the circulation of the news were limited to political issues, wars or economical upheavals, had left in the obscure shades Tuberculosis and Influenza that was neither popular nor exotic enough to tackle.

It seems that problems that don’t get sufficient and adequate attention will always stay in the background of famous, eminent and lobbied diseases because those who really want to eradicate Tuberculosis neither have influence nor money or support and often it is an economical burden instead of economical gain, which governments don't want to spend resources for Tuberculosis or other diseases if they can spend money on armies or subsidize the dirties business? Though Influenza with up to 650 000 deaths a year and Tuberculosis with 1.5 millions[12] deaths a year, doesn't have, but it should, unlimited attention from the global community for a serious approach in engaging to eradicate the ancient sickness 

To be continued in coronavirus part 2

Galle, Sri Lanka | 24 March , 2020 


1. - Li Wenliang: Coronavirus kills Chinese whistleblower doctor
2. - Li Wenliang: Coronavirus kills Chinese whistleblower doctor
3. - Serological evidence of ebolavirus infection in bats, China
4. - Fruit bats as reservoirs of Ebola virus
5. - Epidemiologic Clues to SARS Origin in China
6. - 8 Animals Eaten Alive in China – Graphic Content 
7. - The Hard Truth about the Rhino Horn “Aphrodisiac” Market
8. - China just banned the trade and consumption of wild animals. Experts think the coronavirus jumped from live animals to people at a market.
9. - Vegan eggs could crack China market amid coronavirus outbreak as food companies seek animal-free protein sources
10. - Tuberculosis
11. - H1N1 Swine Flu No Worse Than Seasonal Flu
12.  - Tuberculosis

Pictures and photos

1. - Chinese Officials Can’t Help Lying About the Wuhan Virus
2. - Li Wenliang
3. - Destroyed Habitat Creates the Perfect Conditions for Coronavirus to Emerge
4. - Coronavirus: The race to find the source in wildlife
5. - Why are rhinos being killed?
6. - Vegan JUST Egg Launches In South East Asia
7. - Coronavirus: US, Australia and Thailand report first deaths
8. - HEADLINE: Italia Lockdown Akibat Virus Corona Covid-19, Indonesia Tak Akan Bernasib Sama?
9. - Tuberculosis kills three people a minute as case numbers rise


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