Coronavirus part 1. Who is to blame on?

Chinese dictatorship concealed outbreak [1] I never seriously thought to mention or to make a valid conclusion in such an abruptly and still in unfolding stage of corona virus but corona here, corona there, corona everywhere, people panic, public institution are locked down borders are being closed and it seems that is time to acquit from most of the charges corona was blamed to. Following the events of corona virus outbreak gave an unprecedented traceable drama story of a global scenery, with a transparent and raw data in hand, separated from false assumption and conspiracy theories, it is possible to trace and locate not only the source of the virus but also what initial prerequisite were necessary for the virus to start a terror like journey in the people's untrained and fearful mind. The source place was quite fast spotted to be Wuhan in China, though it was numerous time denied and annihilated by the authorities to present respiratory diseases of not big importance and...