First stop was unexpected religious

Northern Shipyard Slowly recovering from disastrous treatment of Northern Shipyard in Langkawi we arrived at island We in Indonesia with more problems that we began the sailing and luckily enough gear box fall off completely from the engine exactly at the moment when we have been setting the boat on mooring. It seems that consequences from that morose experience we had in Northern Shipyard will follow us long after we will forget the name of the shipyard. While the boat underwent maintenance I embarked to explore so controversial surrounding of region of northern Sumatra. Aceh, Indonesia [1] Waking up the first time in the morning at island We, after two 2 days and 2 nights in sea, I was struck by splendid and quaint environment of clear turquoise water and surrounded of rain forest jungle on the slopes of the mountains and the moment couldn't be more quintessential but I wake up not after having peaceful deep sleep rather by sirene and outcry of countless...