Incognito Millionaires in Hostels

Human factor

As usually happens with many trips to be changed, delayed or even canceled in the last moment because of various reasons but most predominant are erratic weather which is quite difficult to forecast or conflict zones which its spontaneous appearance reflect in deadly attacks but mainly cause of modifying the journey's route or postpone the date is strongly related with human factor. The sailboat that was in the dry dock for important maintenance failed to be ready in the time agreed by the both parts thus frustration, irritation and disappointment of the captain grew extensively against unprofessionalism and ignorance of the service company which didn't prepared the boat in time therefore our water trip had been delayed for a while. Only one thing to comment, human factor which tend to blame on everything else but not on theirs mistakes, bad days or negligence is utterly unreliable and disturbing in the context of business or day to day life. 

Travel slowly and don't care about the time

Personally I don't have any notable time limit that I follow and even if it's one week earlier or later I'm neither bothered nor upset, in context of 4 or 5 or 19 months of my wondering life through Asia one minor week delay have very little impact on the bigger scale. I'm even glad to spend one more week with unique and like-minded people I live with or met earlier, brainstorming the day with them directly from the bunk bed when I wake up until late night, sharing a lot of prospects, concepts, ideas about travel experience, life goals, business opportunities and even for many individuals controversial discussions such religion, trans-racial adoption, immortality or drugs legalization. Numerous opinions simply of bizarreness and oddity don't find widespread ground within every individual's perception but some fundamental understanding of encased work routines, time perspective of modern slave employees or common sense of natural laws and impartiality has united us into a cohesive core of informal association. I stayed perhaps in way over 100 places all over the Asia met countless number of people from eurovision stars and scientists to rebel activists and escaping army teenagers and as my nature of observative personality that are awake constantly I began to notice a intersection of patterns among travelers in the hostels.

Who are those incognito?

My restless attention was specially attracted to one particular type of travelers, they are people who stay longer than one month in one  place or just move from one place to another for long time and mostly consist of life experienced elderly men who are organised with discipline and responsible in their deeds with excellent overview about global economy and political situation in many countries, often they seat in the common room with a book and reading a lot or eagerly exploring something in their laptops, tablets or phones. Many times you don't even need to wait for long to get some irregular questions thrown on you, acting as small kids with whims and not willing at first to disclose the true nature of their life is rather intriguing than disturbing emotional inadequacy but day by day after many endless discussion they will start gradually to confess and unrevealed stories behind their true self. I hear the same familiar story, when these men begin to travel in justified by their personal wealthy wallets to stay in the exaggerated expensive rooms of Grand Continental or Hilton hotels for 150$/night and then changing progressively to single rooms in moderate fancy Motels and then to a single room economy class hostels to the bottom of non privacy, noisy and dynamic bunk beds environment. In their companionship I feel myself acting both as psychologist and amateur trainee, though I could certainly silence them in disbelief of many statements that don't hold actual facts, I listen carefully without major interventions. Eventually, not to my surprising, I learned how successful and affluent this men were, several of them had many enterprises around the world and build fortunes that exceed way over 5 or 10 million of dollars.
Questions regarding leftist changing behavior, from luxury to basic needs, curiously and tireless goes around my head: why should they choose such a shift? Are they stingy and wish to save even more money? Or they arrived to conclusion that there is no point to waste money if you only want to sleep? Or it was something else? Well indeed some of them influenced by simple lifestyle of Warren Buffett or other billionaires just don't see the point anymore to pay for luxury they don't use but what more interesting was to find out was the fact that formality in the lobby wouldn't allow just to ask inappropriate questions or just to initiate a conversation with someone due to rude manners, as well as being alone in the room made them feel very lonely and disconnected from the surrounding world. Actually is not a wonder that active, flexible and provocative open minded hostels can provide with those missing part of a luxury hotels where formal cod and stiffens prevail. New fresh thinking or new lifestyle and goals of travelers provide a raw product for original experiences, inspiration and knowledge of a new emerging world. Appreciating value and importance of the hostel life also having ability to use it smart is the compass and guide for life long friends, longer journeys, happier life moments and personal enrichment.

Langkawi, Malaysia | January 12, 2020

Pictures and photos

  1. Ditta Maharani, Dec 20, 2019 Cenang, Malaysia
  3. Ion Storland, Jul 14, 2018 Cluj Napoca, Romania


  1. Nice article and agree a lot with the " Actually is not a wonder that active, flexible and provocative open minded hostels can provide with those missing part of a luxury hotels where formal cod and stiffens prevail. New fresh thinking or new lifestyle and goals of travelers provide a raw product for original experiences, inspiration and knowledge of a new emerging world."


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