Beyond the educational system. Flexibility against immobility.

The beginning of the teaching Passing the primary knowledge from one generation to another is not a radical new idea for humans and it could trace back even to the animal kingdom when the essential skills, like what food is not poisonous or where to find water to what animals to avoid, helped the creatures to survive. In the same matter knowledge passed from parents to children of humans, for instance parents taught they offsprings how to build a shelter or how to hunt or what month is most favorable to sow the plants seeds. This knowledge was limited to occupation and regional displacement and most of the times the peasants were sharp, clever and skilled enough in their physical field but couldn't even read or write. Intellectual property was at different scale and status and could be reached only among wealthy and noble families where very few had access to royal court. [1] The main learning in the royal court differed widely from what the...