Travel without flying is actually a luxury

Time is what we want most but we use worst

Many people are astonished when they found out that I went in many places around the world
without flying. Well is not easy for people to imagine this picture of someone traveling from Europe which is so far away to the places like Cambodia or Vietnam. In their world the only way to get so far is only by plane or reincarnation as some persons tried to explain me :)

Indeed for example the shortest and fastest way to get from Hamburg to  Ho Chi Minh is by flight which is  about 14 h 35 min and if you would take the car then you will spend around 194 h only driving and not taking in consideration border stops, sleeping, eating or whatever else you do on the way. It's a huge difference in time between this two types of moving and I always tell to the people that you have to spend a bunch of money taking the roadway but not the money I see as a luxury rather the "Time".
Those who take the flight often don't have the time to use on the long road journeys instead they argue that the time is very precious and this is the reason why they take planes. Well this reflection is subjective and I will explain you why. Hunting to decrease your time of journeys with flights tell me that people don't have really time to spend on long trips by road because they are trapped in the circle of no having time as: work, family, vacation, buying clothes, repair the car, repair the phone, social or private life, buying stuff for house, school, university, hobby, earning money actually this list is never ending and far to long to add in this video for all those things that steal your time.
People had created around them so many things that require time so they don't realize until they sink in to routine, monotony and hopeless feeling when they miss the 8th or 9th day in the week to do everything what they didn't had time to do in normal 7 days week. So yeah I tell to many people that they use the flights not because they save time but because they don't have the time. They use flights because they have to return quickly to their work, earn money, or come back to the family...and their lives.
For me time is more precious than money because you can earn more money but you can't earn more time. Be careful what you choose to do and don't be manipulated by unnecessary things that consume your time, take control of you actions and don't be afraid to change your life style if you want to gain some time. Spend your time wisely for the things that are important for you and important for people around you and find the balance to be yourself with you and to be yourself with others.

Time decide how you travel

There is a difference between tourists, travelers and global nomads. Tourists often visit a place just for leisure, pictures and often they spend short time in comparison with travelers who build a deep connection to the place beginning with people and ending with nature. Global nomads in other hand most of the times are completely sucked by local place in matter of: time, culture, friendship, private relationship, everyday life, work, hobbies or other activities and they often feel confident with new environment. Tourists often feel odd in new places and don't care about the impact they leave behind them as trash, bad habits and destroyed environment. So I want to see more of Eco and sustainable tourism, where ecotourism is more focused on ecological conservation and educating travelers on local environments and natural surroundings, whereas sustainable tourism focuses on travel that has minimal impact on the environment and local communities[1]. As a good example we have Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nepal or other countries, so it's not impossible to explore, preserve and earn money in the same time.

How to become a traveler?

Often when you use local traffic or get a ride from the local people you discover places that not so many foreigners have visited before and it feels that you achieve something great that you explore and discover non touristic places where environment is untouched. Many places I passed, I was the first foreigner to visit and if you are not experienced traveler than you feel insecure and lost but if you have been in similar places before then it feels that you merged with the environment and people so you get more confidence to do more things and to challenge your surroundings. Don't be afraid to interact with locals people because they are the same as you who just have different value. You will find out many fascinating things that they do different and you will get a better understanding why they do that.

Vipassana meditation

For those who have enough time they attend on 10 days of retreat and enjoy the time only for them self. No talks no hangouts no electronical devices no books no nothing just you and your self. Sounds very egoistic but this precious time they use for thinking about nothing and about everything. People frequently think about everything in the same time usually on Monday morning when new hardship begin but they think what to do and what not to do and often don't have time to reflect about them self why they act sometime so weird that they don't recognize them self. Stress and multitasking is just not right for the brain to handle and often it loses control and outbreaks of overload. But here comes this magic time to give the free play to your thoughts and feelings.
There is rumors among the travelers and other people that Vipassana meditation is so pure and perfect that you have to attend to this retreat at least one time but better 2 or 3 because every time is different. Of course is different...Every time you go to buy bread is different too. Not the same people you meet, not the same whether everyday, not even the same time. So yeah everything is different even when you do the same thing. Maybe it helps some people but for sure is not work for everyone, don't be blind to believe that this will solve or give you the answers you looking for. This as many other trend movements is about making money on base of your issues and needs. I don't say that this is waste of time and money I just want to say that you don't need a special place or special environment to achieve the same result. If you understand the basic of meditation you can accomplish the desired effect even in your house or room or your neighborhood. Some people might need some guidance in the beginning and this is the reason to try it once to understand if the time you spend on this activity is worth or not.

                                                                                                     Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam | May 04, 2019

Youtube video


[1]. - "Ecotourism vs. Sustainable Tourism"


[1]. - If search for "Distance from Hamburg to Ho Chi Minh"
[2]. - If search for "Time and money" in google search engine

[6]. - Mindfulness & Pain: What I Learned On My Second Vipassana 10-Day Meditation Retreat


  1. Love to read it,Waiting For More new Update and I Already Read your Recent Post its Great Thanks.


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