New record for spending only 55 € a month

If you don't spend then you don't need to earn There is many talks how our society is build around work, earning money for living and spending those money on different things but not so many talks how people can save and spend less. One of the goals of my journey was to show that is really not a problem to travel for less money. That's why i counted very accurate my spending and put it on on my blog for make it public so that everyone could take a look how much a really spend. While you traveling one way to spend less is to make some kind of volunteer work and there is many type of work you can choose between as farming, animal care, building houses, hotel maintenance, diving assistance or many other activity you might like. The principle is simple you spend some hours a day for helping and in return you get free living and food depends what was agreed with the place. For example I am teaching english language though my english is terrible but this is not a probl...