An hidden industry in underground of facebook groups.

If the street provide money then the internet provide planning

The Jessica's case came to be well know thru many post and shares as an representative model of what some people can achieve with lies, fake identities, fraud and group planing activities. But this is not the end of the story, during my research on this case I was astonished how serious things are in underground of facebook groups. There is no secret that I have control of her account[1] and only in this way I could uncover how vast amount of girls thru different groups share with each other fraud and hooking experiences. Though some groups share bad experiences about guy scammers and warn other girls it has in the same time a dark side of this facebook closed like tribes groups. According to Ros Hodgkins, president of Australia’s Cult Information and Family Support Service (CIFS), secret social media groups possess “cultist” behaviors[2] and from my point of view facebook close groups are very like to became a brain-washing generators where "information from outside sources is cut off and anything critical of the group is never valid, because they alone have their version of ‘truth’"[2]
This trend is very alarming because I found some groups that are specified in harassment and bulling of other people and they do it with amusement and satisfaction. To join this group don't take much time and as soon you get inside you upload a photo of someone, write a short description and here we go, an army of members will make everything possible to give humiliated comments in name of that person. I have many doubts that they even know something about this person aside from that short description, this is like an echo-chamber and of course a cult behavior where they alone have their version of truth and doesn't matter what other people outside this group think. To mention internet trolls, who today instantly can cast ugly or hate comments on users, are not well known as a problem and therefore they don't became the focus of the worlds attention but this a social tight corner who wait to be solved.
Even my previous post about Jessica's family stirred many trolls who attempted to provoke the legitimacy of my content arguing even that this was my mistake to be simple going fellow to believe and trust so easily to people.

What do facebook?

I asked facebook to explain me how can this groups are even possible to exist where people so open talk about hate, harassment or share and plan their fraud scheme online without any consequence? As in many other cases here facebook have the main role to promote controversial activities on their platform and they carry this responsibility so they avoid to answer directly to my question.

The principle of trust 

For long time ago when people lived in small groups and didn't have any money principles it was essential to trust to each other in order to survive from different dangerous situations and those who tried to lie or mislead other members they were expelled from the group as a punishment. This meant just one thing, to be alone is equal to death sentence, alone you don't have your security network which provide shelter, food and social links.
In modern time the aspect of life is unrecognizable different from ancient time, from Megapolis with skyscrapers and food delivery to social healthcare and internet with digital social network. So even some people lie or cheat today and have been uncovered is still not a big deal for them because the money had shifted the norms of moral, responsibility and reliance. This mean that scammers and criminals can still go to buy food or rent apartment and even stay in touch with many people on social media. They paying trust with money and internet so they never become isolated and expelled as before.
Believe or not but to lie today is very easy and often don't have any consequences. It became more as a norm and lifestyle because liars don't face any major negative disruptions instead they get a desired effect of their activities as self confirmation and success which otherwise they can't achieve. Although this unreliable people could appear as a sociable persons in fact they are solitary and alone with no actual friends, because whether it’s business, romantic or friend relationships, trust is definitely one of the main factors in every positive and healthy relationship.
Now when I look back on those people who really think that it was my mistake to trust people to much, I fear that they are misled of what mean to have a society where you can rely on other peoples or they just lost their trust to the system which doesn't satisfy their trust norms. Without trust we become paranoiac and don't take things in serious and this is waste of time and money to investigate if someone is honest or not, why should we need that?
Even I had bad experience with misusing of trust I still truly believe that people are able to achieve better things if they could trust to each other more.
This is my first time when I was scammed by fake identities. Why? Because before I got enough support from the transparency to avoid this people. How? Public Access to information!

How scam people can be avoided

[2]Liars and scam persons hide very carefully their identities and as a part of their activity is to misled people who don't have access to legit and proven information about them. But now think if there was a data base where all the people are registered with some important personal information as birth date, name, family, birth place, civil status, address of living and work place and more important that this content it is updated every day. Then it wouldn't be a problem to search for the people by the name and to get the information that could help you to detected and prevent eventual liars and fake identities. I am sure now you read this and think how about your personal privacy, right? Don't be afraid in good hands this is more to help than to spy on you, in fact this system is already applied in many country, even the access to Public Administration Files are open to be read and copied and the leader of them is Denmark followed by Sweden and Finland[3]. I lived in Sweden for about 6 years and I know exactly how this system works and I got many times help from this national storage data base. So called Principle of Public Access[4] helps to shape open society and transparency thru whole chain from the top with government officials to the bottom with children and pupils. I wish someday all the countries will put effort together to create such a openness and transparency but still many governs doesn't see this optimistic view. Without any help from this low cost program, fake identities will keep making their crimes and will fraud people to enormous damages that exceed in many time the price of this system. 


[1]. From - Jessica's family case
[2]. - Secret Facebook groups ‘cultist’ behaviour indoctrinating members through psychological pressure by Matthew Dunn.
[3].  John M. Ackerman and Irma E. Sandoval-Ballesteros, “The Global Explosion of Freedom of Information Laws,” Administrative Law Review, 58:1, 2006, 109
[4].  "The Principle of Public Access to Official Documents". Retrieved 2015-10-12


[1]. Google pictures by searching after word "trust"
[2]. - OPBP Submissions to the Legal Resources Centre Facilitate Public Access to Court Documents by Arushi Garg


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