Look into Vietnam

The most important things require time for understanding [1] I never thought I will stay in Vietnam more than one month and so thought even Vietnam about me :) When the first time I was in Vietnam my thoughts was mixed with feeling of anger, disgust and hopeless. I wonder if my conclusion was made to fast and cursory only by that short time I spent there or it was my truly experience and impressions of what i could observe and feel in those moments. Now for unprecedented reason I will stay much longer time than I expected from the beginning and with this abundance of time I will explore the local social life and nature from a different angle which is closer than before to find out if my opinion will change from that I had initially. Speed traveling and the first time in new place I met and heard from many people how they had explored all the Vietnam from North to South in just 2, 3 or 4 weeks and visited so many places that they struggle to remember them all. But l...