There is just one truth anything else is just a story
I heard so many times from many people that I'm not just selfish but also arrogant, cold, uncaring and egocentric.
Of course for many people this is not a issue rather than an asset so they could still live a happy life without bother a shit like Donald Trump. But wait a minute, do I really posses this characteristic? I was wondering that if plenty of people think about me like that then it should be a connection so I went to investigate what is really happening behind.
I decided to go to the bottom with this statements to my own core to see who I am and what I am doing to make me to fulfill this abilities. But first I want to know what mean care. I wrote in the google search bar "What is care" and according to google care mean: feel concern or interest; attach importance to something; look after and provide for the needs of. Quite clear but I also heard that caring of someone or something mean that you give something without any expectation that you will get something back.
So I'm vegan, I don't eat animals so I don't kill and contribute with all suffering all the animals are exposed in factory and farms, I'm concern about global warming and not eat animal products as well as I'm not flying by planes, I don't drink alcohol because is causing deforestation, hunger as well as million of deaths on the road and are the prime factor to aggressiveness, fights, fatty liver and cirrhosis; I donate money to non profit organisations active in volunteering works, live minimalist to minimize my impact on devastating consumption, learn more about entire world, people, cultures and issues we face, well list doesn't end here...
So I literally devoted my entire life to give almost everything I have like money, time, knowledge, compassion and support to the people I don't know without waiting to get something back?
Yes I really do that because I care, I care that we destroying our world, I care that still today many people don't have right to free speech, I care about your children that will not have a brighter future, I care that our water are polluted, I care that many species will extinct forever, I care how ignorant people could be, I care that unwilling advertising shape our habits, I care that air is toxic, I care a lot, I care a lot about everyone.
So after all I said and did maybe I'm not so selfish arrogant, cold, uncaring and egocentric?
In fact people don't see the elephant that stuck in theirs eyes but still can see clearly mosquito in my eye. And why is that? It's very easy and very convenient to be ignorant about bad sides people have, humans don't like problems so they will try to avoid them in the same way as people don't see obesity as a issue until they can't breath, go or get some side affects diseases.
In conclusion to all above, I'm very sure that one individual is not more important than others combined or separately. We are all humans and should be more tolerant and humble to each other.
What is Love?
What a stupid question...Indeed everybody know what is love but if I ask you what is really Love, people often get confused without any clear answer and in the end they will tell you that you will understand when the time will came and you will feel that.
Actually love is not more than another story people invented to explain what they can't understand what take place inside their brain the same as people invented religion and god to explain events they didn't understand or even fear as thunder, sun eclipse but the most frightening for them was question what happen after the death. The same as with love humans couldn't explain why they feel in certain way, people didn't know that love is in reality is biochemical reaction in their brain and not in their heart. There is a region in your brain called "nucleus accumbens" the nucleus accumbens is the reward center. When you think that you are in love the brain triggers a flood of oxytocin to be released. That triggers a flood of dopamine to be released to the nucleus accumbens and you feel a rush similar to the kick one receives when taking a hit of cocaine. Like cocaine, your brain becomes addicted to the rewarding feeling of “love” and wants to keep the source of it around. And if you were to lose someone you love or experience a break up, your body will experience withdrawal. And not less that brain activities showed that are more type of feelings that people related to love that happen in different parts of the brain associated with different emotions.
Yes is not a easy task to explain all this biochemical reaction in year 700 BC when the first word of love appeared documented in old testament isn't it? In that time people didn't new so much about science, medicine, biology and physic laws no microscope nor blood groups were known where illness where treated with rituals and bad as it appear not many been cured with this treatment. So yeah it was easier to invent a story to say that Aphrodite blessed with love two people rather to don't have a story at all.
Love is not any more a hidden mysterious feeling that everybody learn from romantic books, poems movies and try to reconstruct in real life. That's why many fail to find their love because you cant not find a ghost that don't exist, be a little bit realistic and things will came in to their place.
I know is hard to believe in something that entire world tried to mislead you but is not the problem of the world this is the problem of the people. Just think how obvious for you today to know that no witches exist but still in year 1450 to 1750 during Witch-hunt an estimated 35,000 to 100,000 executions occurred. To them also have been told that they are evil and they believed in that but is not necessary to be true.
So don't believe in everything the advertising and marketing wants you to accept be more conservative and critical to not be taken by surprise and fooled again.
Of course for many people this is not a issue rather than an asset so they could still live a happy life without bother a shit like Donald Trump. But wait a minute, do I really posses this characteristic? I was wondering that if plenty of people think about me like that then it should be a connection so I went to investigate what is really happening behind.
I decided to go to the bottom with this statements to my own core to see who I am and what I am doing to make me to fulfill this abilities. But first I want to know what mean care. I wrote in the google search bar "What is care" and according to google care mean: feel concern or interest; attach importance to something; look after and provide for the needs of. Quite clear but I also heard that caring of someone or something mean that you give something without any expectation that you will get something back.
So I'm vegan, I don't eat animals so I don't kill and contribute with all suffering all the animals are exposed in factory and farms, I'm concern about global warming and not eat animal products as well as I'm not flying by planes, I don't drink alcohol because is causing deforestation, hunger as well as million of deaths on the road and are the prime factor to aggressiveness, fights, fatty liver and cirrhosis; I donate money to non profit organisations active in volunteering works, live minimalist to minimize my impact on devastating consumption, learn more about entire world, people, cultures and issues we face, well list doesn't end here...
So I literally devoted my entire life to give almost everything I have like money, time, knowledge, compassion and support to the people I don't know without waiting to get something back?
Yes I really do that because I care, I care that we destroying our world, I care that still today many people don't have right to free speech, I care about your children that will not have a brighter future, I care that our water are polluted, I care that many species will extinct forever, I care how ignorant people could be, I care that unwilling advertising shape our habits, I care that air is toxic, I care a lot, I care a lot about everyone.
So after all I said and did maybe I'm not so selfish arrogant, cold, uncaring and egocentric?
In fact people don't see the elephant that stuck in theirs eyes but still can see clearly mosquito in my eye. And why is that? It's very easy and very convenient to be ignorant about bad sides people have, humans don't like problems so they will try to avoid them in the same way as people don't see obesity as a issue until they can't breath, go or get some side affects diseases.
In conclusion to all above, I'm very sure that one individual is not more important than others combined or separately. We are all humans and should be more tolerant and humble to each other.
What is Love?

Actually love is not more than another story people invented to explain what they can't understand what take place inside their brain the same as people invented religion and god to explain events they didn't understand or even fear as thunder, sun eclipse but the most frightening for them was question what happen after the death. The same as with love humans couldn't explain why they feel in certain way, people didn't know that love is in reality is biochemical reaction in their brain and not in their heart. There is a region in your brain called "nucleus accumbens" the nucleus accumbens is the reward center. When you think that you are in love the brain triggers a flood of oxytocin to be released. That triggers a flood of dopamine to be released to the nucleus accumbens and you feel a rush similar to the kick one receives when taking a hit of cocaine. Like cocaine, your brain becomes addicted to the rewarding feeling of “love” and wants to keep the source of it around. And if you were to lose someone you love or experience a break up, your body will experience withdrawal. And not less that brain activities showed that are more type of feelings that people related to love that happen in different parts of the brain associated with different emotions.
Yes is not a easy task to explain all this biochemical reaction in year 700 BC when the first word of love appeared documented in old testament isn't it? In that time people didn't new so much about science, medicine, biology and physic laws no microscope nor blood groups were known where illness where treated with rituals and bad as it appear not many been cured with this treatment. So yeah it was easier to invent a story to say that Aphrodite blessed with love two people rather to don't have a story at all.
Love is not any more a hidden mysterious feeling that everybody learn from romantic books, poems movies and try to reconstruct in real life. That's why many fail to find their love because you cant not find a ghost that don't exist, be a little bit realistic and things will came in to their place.
I know is hard to believe in something that entire world tried to mislead you but is not the problem of the world this is the problem of the people. Just think how obvious for you today to know that no witches exist but still in year 1450 to 1750 during Witch-hunt an estimated 35,000 to 100,000 executions occurred. To them also have been told that they are evil and they believed in that but is not necessary to be true.
So don't believe in everything the advertising and marketing wants you to accept be more conservative and critical to not be taken by surprise and fooled again.
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