When was Christmas?

It happens to be on all my social medias: news, people, sales, photos, cities did one thing, celebrated Christmas. Well I'm still in this old system where people believe more in wonders than in their self.

Today about 2 billion of people consider Christmas to be the most important holiday in the year but no so many folks know why they have this holiday and not less that just 55% of them consider it as a religious.

As more years past, humanity saw this day as a unification of the family and a hour for togetherness, today Christmas became more as a cultural things rather than a religious holiday where from the beginning you should glorify the birth of a child from a virgin women who get pregnant by a ghost? Such a unbelievable and funny story :) After that let's put Santa Claus to all this narratives and you will get the best fairy tail ever.
I never been religious though my mom is a lot in to it, religion. Spending time for praying and going to the church for getting blessing from some kind of imaginary super power. So I know what I talking about. I saw how all this people have been sold to the market without even notice that. All this black Friday's and discounts everywhere in shops, malls or Christmas markets want your attraction, want you to buy. So from religious to cultural holiday now it became the selling holiday where you have to buy more and there is no doubts, this is the most selling day in the year. Advertising is claiming than everybody needs presents to be happy so yeah buy one present to justify your materialist nature. And don't think you do that because you care of your closest people, no you do that because publicity planted a thought in your mind to buy for your relatives that will make you a good person. Still don't believe me? Ok how many time did you get a present you don't need or is by fact really the last thing you need in the world. Still not convinced? Then I can tell you that many of this presents will collect dust somewhere on the shelf or a drawer and consecutively will end in the garbage.

While people in christian countries rushing to get presents in Cambodia was just a usual day and I liked it. Specific in Phnom Penh no sings of Christmas at all besides few places where are more tourists. Me and my girlfriend were to grab a drink and then went to the night market for sharing one plate of noodle on the floor for 1,0 dollar. That is it, no complication no stress no rush no more work around the house for getting the tree that hopefully was grown in a sustainable way and not directly from the forest. Then put on those glass or plastic balls and lights and star... a lot of work and time. For me it was about to enjoy one more evening with someone you care about or it could be a friend or just alone and u know what, is totally fine to not celebrate Christmas at all.

New Holidays

I want to see those holidays that are meaningful today, leading path to what we have to be aware of today and for the future. Holidays that will bound and unite together all the living people as a manifest for the future. International holidays will connect and will remind us of what we have to do in order to handle the challenges we face today. 
How many heard about Earth Day? Or Friendship Day? Or World Peace Day? Or Human Rights Day? Or Earth Hour? Obvious for your country? But things look different in many places so why not support those holidays that are far more important than Christmas, Easter or New Year.


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