One year one challenge
It happened so quickly from that that I left Vietnam to Cambodia to this day where I managing to scale up a restaurant.
The Challenge
One of the worse things what could happen to me on my journey is to get into relationship. I met a girl and we spend a lot time together and we had so good that we decided to move together only after 5 days. So properly I didn't have time for my self, my private time substantially vanished.
The Challenge
One year and no more, this is the time i will give to this place to put in function one vegan restaurant. If you are good then it should be enough to make a profit and leave a impact to surrounding. So let's do it! :)
n the beginning I was enjoying that someone take care of everything like booking hotels or planing the day or getting food and in the end I just became too lazy to do something else. One more reason of disconnection and not posting is of course absence of my phone, which got water inside during the shower in the waterfall.
Phnom Penh
Now back in business, me and my recently girlfriend decided to open a restaurant in Phnom Penh the capital of Cambodia. The rumors i heard from Vietnam that Cambodia is worse than Vietnam I could't believe in that before I saw it by my self. The garbage almost everywhere on the streets and the smell is not like french parfum. The local canal barely look like water but in stead appears as a plastic road that reek 24/7.
So imagine that the rice and other food is grown in this poison stinky water, it can't be healthful at all. I don't blame the habits and mentality of this people because they just can't see and understand the differences of what is good and what is not if they live in the same environment. Some things are of course related with corruption and lobby. To change that I will try to provide thru my restaurant the way of healthy and sustainable life to this urban area.
Yes I am crazy without phone...or not the phone it self but combination of internet connection whatever you are. This is it! Without phone and connection to the world I felt as a stone age man. The phone today became a extension of the body kind of external memory. Is just a fact that a single phone can store and compute information that surpass more than 100 of people. And why should you know by heart all 500 phone numbers of your friends, colleges, classmates or list of things you have to do or buy? Is so easy to access and harvest all this benefit from this inventions but there is a bad side too. I have spoken with many people and when I ask them to give me the phone just to look around in it, the answer I get back is NO. So many secrets so much private content you choose to share not with your mam, friend or partner but you do that with your phone. This integrity u don't share a lone, the google, facebook or other companies know very much about u and this is the price for free entree to the digital world. This integrity is not belonging to u alone, the google, facebook or other companies know very much about u and this is the price for free entree to the digital world.
Very sharp author, he will give u the answer u fear to ask. The truth is for everybody but is everybody aware of what is true and what is fake? The moving evolution of events will shape the world u stiffly think will be the same forever. Not likely to see the identical existence of things in some years to come as u didn't expected that phone is already part of ur body.
Even the name of the book is firmly correct but u can't understand it because u look in mirror. It is just one true name and if u know how to read it u will cover the perspective of different views.
Discover the lessons of 21 Century

Even the name of the book is firmly correct but u can't understand it because u look in mirror. It is just one true name and if u know how to read it u will cover the perspective of different views.
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