Chinatown is still there

Building walls building ghetto

Directly from the start i couldn't use internet properly, many issues and low speed when you are using VPN make almost impossible to have a functional world web as are familiar outside China. I will rather call it ''Great digital wall of China" than world wide web. For sure Chinese people believe that you have to use VPN of technical reason the same as country use telephone codes for reaching to other part. Still daily life for them but for us who are living outside china knows that there is no need of any VPN to have access to any information you may demand.


Maybe Shanghai is a international city in Chinese people's eyes but reality is very distorted. They were told that the city is international so they do believe in that. No, a international city is not skyscrapers and some lost tourists but more likely a place were everybody can talk a common language and where the people are equals in front of law no matter nationality, language, religion or political view. The gap between poor and rich are even bigger here. Not just expensive cars and fancy outfit but here is corruption, fraud and unfair treatment of higher ranked people towards those who are not wealthy are sustained.

Not just in Shanghai but entire China money rules and don't expect that you will feel the same confidence for constitution. Consumers are badly treated and here is not the client who is important here again is dirty money formula. Work conditions are far from that many expect, the work is life the work is you, work is family yeah pretty much everything. The children gathers for playing round their parents while adults struggling to get more from the day. No moral, no ethics here either their aggressive business makes one to think why they act like that. Chinese also smoke and split a lot and everywhere, in the club i have been on the streets in those night trains i used, it is so normal as to trough even throw waste directly where they are and they don't even bother little.

Those who rode a subway in Shanghai couldn't notice how people rush in to the train don't even let passengers go out, well the reason is that Chinese people overplayed musical chairs game :). They run to overtake the free places, so wild... Sometimes I was astonished how normal is to yelling on each other and look back as a triumph on you when they get a sitting place.

People don't look different in the way the act as usual they laugh, talk, yelling on each other still no sense that they should act differently when they are watched and heard from everywhere. That is true there is many cameras don't even Hollywood have so many to create movies. Feels like you are in the movie where you are main player, you change your self and adapt to new environment you maybe don't like, you should know how it feels because you have been filmed sometime on the camera of your friend family member and sure you remember how you had acted then. So now maybe you get the feeling how it feels to be filmed but nothing you can see in China that they act odd. Only if you ask them what they think about Tibet, the Uigurs or Cantonese people or even political camps they start act weird, they don't want to say nothing about this subjects or they think that government has always right and don't do anything bad.


I have met nice people around here. I'd like to think everyone is different so you are bound to come across rude people as well. There are particular things that someone pointed for me are typically for Chinese. They tend to overlook a whole lot, like integrity, honesty, transparency, poor business ethics quite rude and don't follow the rules, because common sense is different over the world I can't blame this people. I blame on system who don't let them be who they want to be.

Everything it so different in China from other places that even if they move abroad they will try to keep their beliefs, culture and life style in small areas called Chinatown. They don't really realize how they trap them self in ghetto just to feel as same as home while you are abroad, is diffidently a good thing for them but genuinely not so good for integration in a new society.

Things changes slowly, many teachers from different country are in many cities to teach foreign languages what is a big step forward. Younger generation is again dynamic part in the system who understand what is wrong in china and want changes want things should be easier to reach and use without any limitation.


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