Lack of intercultural experience

Japanese people don't travel as much as European, Australian or Americans and there is a explanation why.


Most of the individuals imagine Tokyo as typical Japanese city and illustrative for the entire culture as well but here is a trick, after you will visit Osaka you will get a different view of how contrasting Japan actually is. In Osaka is not obvious that people follow the rules and behave as many Japanese in other places in country. Here men, women and children goes on the red instead of the green light, here persons drink alcohol in the morning or in the afternoon, here is not about to look fancy or stylish, here is more to be your self, of course now we are talking of alternative Japan.

Also i saw for the first time in Japan a homeless. In the beginning it was just one but then it appears to be so many of them so that I couldn't really believe in that. Seems to be more older people and quite drunken as well but not exclude some implications of drugs too as it was a slam region where drugs and mafia was controlling the streets, I suppose this people just couldn't catch the fast growing and developing Osaka. They could be the rest of those who couldn't integrate and adapt to the new technological, social and political world that emerged round them so they were trapped inside. They have been left behind with no sorry no chance to escape. I recognize this pattern in other fast growing cities as well so is not something unique for Osaka and Japan. Things changes things evolve so do the cities, cars, religion, social aspects, politics and the same do people, just not everybody can hang in the same tact. Probably is not enough help provided for those who feel shame or have fear to ask for help.

As is shows up the public TV vastly restrict what to display for folk mass. More or less everything is about national news and not even talking of the problems they stand with. Mostly TV sends news about the economical status of the country and impact of various factors that sink the productivity. Here not takes in account problem as decreasing demography, bad work conditions, psychical illness and high rate of suicides. Not for the last international news and global effect, they are barely mentioned on the radio or TV, why that? Well the reason is importance of national economy, people should not think about international relationships and other issues which could lead to losing the concentration on work. Great solution from government is't?

Intercultural experience

Two main reason why Japanese don't travel often is lack of any other language than Japanese and work culture.

So the work culture...yeah there is a sizable issue for almost any employees to get vacation even for one week in a row though by law you have right to your 20 -25 days vacation depending where are you working. It's rude, it's unprofessional, it's egoistic, it's shameless and even some times it's below your dignity to take more than two days in a row, so bad it could be. And when you have just only 2, 3 and as highest 4 days off is not specially easy to travel abroad better to stay at home...

Not just Japan there is many country that don't point learning of other languages for such importance as other subject in the school. I met a plenty of people where I couldn't find any common language that both could grasp for having a discussion or a dialog. Of course you can travel just with one language but if you want to get intercultural experience you will need a verbal interaction. This is what it takes to make change experience to say your opinion to tell what is common in your country what is good and what is bad to do. This for instance will gonna help you to behave well and don't feel confused when you will go for a trip. If the Japanese do travel they prefer agencies and organised groups where you don't need to care about language and everything round what one have to do when travel so once again no verbal interaction with the locals.

One language

Is there a time now when a globalization requires one common language? Are all the countries ready to agree for one language that will be a link thru the nations and cultures? This will not just meet peoples needs to communicate, interact and learn from each other on the basis but also will help to save life, to solve problems and achieve goals together.

Towards China

From this moment i will be in shadow for almost two weeks, I guess you understand what I mean. This is quite controversial country with well know mass surveillance and low human rights for free speech and self opinion. In order to maintain discipline of the people and the authority power they will apply even the worst methods to prohibit provocation against the existing regime. But this is not a issue if don't have anything to hide, right? I will try to find out more how the things go in China, hope this is not a crime :)


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