Lack of intercultural experience

Japanese people don't travel as much as European, Australian or Americans and there is a explanation why. Osaka Most of the individuals imagine Tokyo as typical Japanese city and illustrative for the entire culture as well but here is a trick, after you will visit Osaka you will get a different view of how contrasting Japan actually is. In Osaka is not obvious that people follow the rules and behave as many Japanese in other places in country. Here men, women and children goes on the red instead of the green light, here persons drink alcohol in the morning or in the afternoon, here is not about to look fancy or stylish, here is more to be your self, of course now we are talking of alternative Japan. Also i saw for the first time in Japan a homeless. In the beginning it was just one but then it appears to be so many of them so that I couldn't really believe in that. Seems to be more older people and quite drunken as well but not exclude some implications of drugs t...