Two cities two capitals two different approaches
While Kiev is small dense town without any urbanistic vision and not so clean surfaces to enormous Moscow with great organised structure big open areas, clean streets and new fresh restored buildings. One thing they have in common is that they are very churchy looks fine but kind of boring feeling when you see so many churches just everywhere.

After leaving Kiev towards Moscow i thought that Moscow should be similar in the most of aspects as Kiev. Well i was wrong so wrong, i was impressed and astonished how different they are exept churchy look :)
The metro system is annoying primitive in Kiev, imagine your are first day in Kiev and have no cash and want to buy a ticket with a visacard and the worst thing is that you can't buy because there is no way to pay with a card at all. In the second you get some plastic coins for one use. I tried to buy three coins but i couldn't do this either, after asking some locals why is that, they told me that is no so many plastic coins for everybody. It's sound more like a joke than a true statement and people struggles with this in form of long queue in the morning rush to buy this coins.
The opposite is in Moscow, everything works how a good system should work but this is not enough, the metro in Moscow comparing with Kiev is a piece of art as well. One thing irritate in both metros is loud noise like very loud noise, i used ears props and an app to measure how loud it is, the level was sky-rocking to 80-87 dB.
Open areas in Moscow took all my attention this was something that i miss in big cities.
The soviet buildings make you feel small and showing the greatness of past era. That's right the Moscow in my opinion is the biggest open air museum of soviet time.
Four days four unbelievable days in Moscow with hope to find back one day. Now is time to get what i came for : The Trans Siberian train :)
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