Sea history

Vladivostok - Doghae

The ferry not lived to my expectations, my bad. If you want to travel with ferries then you should never expect something special at least with this route. The ferry is unwieldy, noisy without wi-fi, rusty, heavy machinery on the deck and not so much things to do, besides a pub and a sauna which doesn't work. So don't imagine something cosy with this type of moving but you will get where you need so this is more important though it was quite expensive.

Because of the waves the ferry was swinging and a lot of people get sea sick. But don't worry you can buy medicine at the information desk and after you get it everything should be just fine. 

The ferry belongs to a Japan and if you need to charge your phone or laptop then is time to buy a outlet adapter otherwise you will be lost without a phone, this is about me :)

But there is good news too, if you don't have any battery left on your phone and you need to send a message? Then you can send a mail and posted thru worlds famous post box. With a little luck maybe your mail will arrive at destination only after some months.

Anyway after a night of waves and watching movies on my laptop I arrived at Donghae. Nothing surprise you more then warm and wet weather of Doghae plus that people look very different and speak unknown language. Until now everything was more or less familiar to me people, languages, culture and food but now i'm feeling stranger, from here my world changes. To be continued...


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