Outpost Europe Union

So far so good, now my trip continue outside security zone. Europe from the beginning was a hope for me that one day people can leave all prejudices all those opinions that are not based on reason, facts or actual experience and look forward to building something bigger that will unite people no matter of beliefs, skin color, nationality or sexual orientation. To be unite is not a easy task, it is a lot of devotion hard work and the most important thing is to believe in people. We are so different so many cultures so many languages with many personalities and everyone should have rights, right to have opinions, free speech, free movement and right to be yourself. I saw a lot of people who do not want to accept or try to understand the other one and they do not want to accept because they do not have enough knowledge, they don't want to appear as a stupid or because of fear to be changed We live in a time when as an individual we can not solve the global problem alone, we n...